PTA news and events

Welcome to the WLPS Parent Teacher Association

The PTA is a group of parents and teachers just like you, who give up some of their time to organise and support school events for our children. The PTA is a way for parents and carers of children WLPS to come together and help support the work of the school.

They organise a number of social and fundraising events throughout the year in order to raise money for the school. The money raised is then used for all those extras that help to enhance the children's lives at school.

Without this support WLPS would not be able to have the Christmas Bazaar, craft nights, Discos, Music Soiree, Adventure Island tickets, Cinema nights, The Circus, Easter events or Summer fete & BBQ. 

If you would like to become more involved or just need more information, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee or call the school office.


Over the last 5 years, the PTA has raised in excess of £35,000 which has enabled the school to purchase many items outside of the school budget. This includes Year 6 leaver books and 642 books including; phonics, atlas, French dictionaries and many fiction and non-fiction. 

The PTA funded the new Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) approach for play and lunchtimes. This included the renovation of the school grounds, the building of a sandpit, mud kitchen and digging area, as well as scaffolding planks. The PTA will continue to support the continual development of the outdoor learning area that will benefit every child.

Another fundraising initiative we have signed up with is

If you shop online, please consider registering at the easyfundraising website and supporting WLPS.

 It is very simple and free and you can use all your normal retailers. To help us, just go to the website, sign up, register your support for Woodham Ley Primary School and then remember to click through to your normal websites from the easyfundraising website when buying. 

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PTA Facebook page

Please click here for the Facebook link

Upcoming Events


To be confirmed!

Contact Us

01268 753 652

Rushbottom Lane