Mrs Puncher 


 Mrs Cross 

Parent information


We have PE on a Monday and a Thursday.

Children are expected to come into school in their correct kit. 

If you need an outdoor tracksuit, please order from PENN Sports (adding their initials to the tracksuit is advisable).

Please note, earrings must be removed on a PE day as they cannot be taped over. Your child will not be able to take part if they are unable to remove their earrings.

The Year Ahead

Below is an overview of the curriculum for this academic year.


Maths - Place Value

English - Terminology





Children continue to have access Mathletics at home, using their same login details from last year. Children can log in and complete a range of quests and tasks.

Times Tables

As year 4 have a statutory times tables check, we expect the children to be learning their times tables at home and at school. Children will be sent home with a timestables book, where they will be required to complete a page a week. Please feel free to give your child a timer challenge as well.

Additionally, here are a few games you can play at home as well as going on TT Rockstars: 



Each week, new spellings will be set via the Spelling Frame website. The children will be able to access the website to learn their spellings on there from home. In addition to the weekly set spellings, Spelling Frame collates any words the children find tricky and create a Tricky Words section. The children can use this section to practise words that still need to be learnt.   

Year 4 spellings have been sent home for the children to continue to practise additional spellings when they wish to. 


We encourage the children to read for 30 mins each day. Once the children have completed a book they can take a quiz on the Accelerated Reader website either from home or as part of their early morning work in school.

Useful Website Links

Contact Us

01268 753 652

Rushbottom Lane