Class Teachers:

Mrs Markham & Mrs Woollard

Classroom Support (Years 1 & 2):

Mrs Halfyard, Mrs Kelsey and Mrs Bremner

Meet the Teachers 2024/2025:


A Year in Year 2:


Please click here to read all about our Phonics scheme called Little Wandle.



Children should read at least three pages per night of their reading book and they should complete the Accelerated Reader Quiz, at home, when they have finished. 



As a school from Year 2 onwards, we use an online platform called Spelling Frame. 

Once introduced to the children this year, we will set the children a spelling rule or pattern that they can practise using Spelling Frame online. When the children log onto Spelling Frame, they will select the rule that has been set for that week. Then, they can play various games to practice the rules as well as trying a mock test.


TT Rockstars:

Children should use the TT Rockstars programme to practise their times tables regularly. 


Children will be set one piece of Mathletics homework online per week.

Please note that Spelling Frame, TTRockstars and Mathletics will be introduced to the Year 2 children slowly and not all at once.  We will send a jotter out to inform you once it has been introduced. 

Knowledge Organisers:

The minimum knowledge that children need to know for each topic have been put together onto one knowledge organiser. Click here to be taken to the different Knowledge Organisers for our topics.


Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure the children come in to school in their PE kits for these days.

Please remember that earrings are not allowed to be worn during PE lessons and tape coverings are not allowed. 

WLPS PE tracksuit is available to buy from Penn Sports.

Useful Documents

High Frequency Words

First 100 High Frequency Words

200 High Frequency Words


By the end of Year 2, the children's homework will be:

Reading - Read at least 3 pages of your reading book everyday. Be sure to take an Accelerated Reader quiz once you've finished the book!

Spelling Frame - Practice the week's spelling rule at least 3 times a week.

Mathletics - One piece of Maths homework will be set on here per week.

TTRockstars - Children can practice their Timestables on TTRockstars.


Homework will be set on a Monday and will be due in on the following Monday.


Please note that Spelling Frame, TTRockstars and Mathletics will be introduced to Year 2 children slowly and not all at once. We will send a jotter out to inform you once it has been introduced. 

Using Accelerated Reader

STAR Reader Quizzes

Every half term, the children will take a STAR Reader quiz in school to determine their reading book level. Please watch the video below for more information. 

Accelerated Reader Quizzes

Once your child has finished their reading book, the must complete a quiz, at home, on the book using Accelerated Reader. Please watch the video below for more information on how to complete quizzes.

Parent Guide for Accelerated Reader

Learning Links:

P I C T U R E    G A L L E R Y 

Character and Life Skills Festival - Deanes - 4th December 2024

Please click the link below to view our pictures from the event. 

Contact Us

01268 753 652

Rushbottom Lane