Teacher: Mrs Valadez-Page
Year 3 support: Mrs Ware
KS2 Support Team: Mrs Cross, Mrs Bye and Mrs Wilson
04/09/23 - A note from Mrs Valadez-Page
Welcome to Year 3! We are extremely excited about the year ahead and have already been impressed with the way the children have displayed positive attitudes towards their learning.
We will continue to update the class page so please feel free to familiarise yourself with the information provided.
On Friday (6/9/24), I will be holding a Meet the Teacher session where you can find out further information as well as ask me any questions that you may have. I look forward to seeing you there!
Year Group Information
Yearly Overview
During the Autumn Term, we will have PE on Wednesdays (Afternoon) and Fridays (Morning). Your child should come to school in full PE kit for these days.
If you need an outdoor tracksuit please order from PENN Sports (adding their initials to the tracksuit is advisable).
Earrings must be removed on a PE day as they cannot be taped over. Your child will not be able to take part if they are unable to remove their earrings. Please also ensure that hair is tied up.
Times Tables Tracker
In preparation for the Multiplication Check in Year 4, the children will be following our Times Table Tracker (See Below). Every child will begin on the Bronze and then will move through the tracker at their own pace.
Every Friday, the children will need to answer 40 questions of mixed multiplication and division facts of the times table they are currently on. They will have 4 minutes to complete these questions. In order to move to the next stage, they will need to score above 35/40. The children will receive house points for various achievements such as beating their previous score, scoring above 35 or scoring 40/40.
It is vital that the children support their times tables knowledge by practising weekly on TTRS.
Knowledge Organisers
Maths: Addition and Subtraction
English: Grammar Terminology
Science: The Natural World: Habitats
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
Weekly Homework in a Nutshell:
Maths: Mathletics - where appropriate.
Times Tables: Times Tables Rockstars and Times Table Practice Book
Reading: Minimum 3 pages a night and Accelerated Reader
Spelling: Spelling Frame
Weekly Homework in More Detail:
The children will be set 2 tasks on Mathletics each week linked with their current maths topic. These will be set each Monday and should be completed by the following Monday. The programme will automatically mark their work to give instant feedback and is appropriate for their current ability. The rest of the features such as Liveplay and Games will not be available to the children until they have completed their set tasks; once they have completed these, they will have access to the rest of the site.
Times Tables:
In preparation for the Times Table Check in Year 4, the children will need to practise their times tables using Times Table Rockstars. The Studio game mode will show all times tables and the children can use this mode to improve their rock speed. The Garage mode will only focus on the times tables the children are currently on on the Times Table Tracker (See Below).
The children should use their Times Table Practice Book each week to practice their set times table. They should bring their Times Table Books into school each Friday to receive their rewards for practicing each week.
The children have all been given a reading book level colour and Book Level which they will use to choose their reading books. They will bring at least one reading book to bring home and read.
The children will continue to use Accelerated Reader: once they have finished their reading book, they must complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader before they change their books (these should be done at home where possible however they can be completed in school). If the children do not pass the quiz, they should re-read the book again before re-taking the quiz. They should not change their book until a quiz has been passed.
If you would like some additional resources for helping your child with reading at home, then you can find them under the reading section of the school website.
Spellings are set via Spelling Frame. The children should use the Spelling Tiles, Segment Cards, Games and Practice Tests to practise the rules we are currently focusing on in class. We have moved away from traditional spelling tests; we will assess these during spelling lessons rather than a weekly test.
If you have been advised that your child is signed up to use the NESSY programme, please click the picture below and enter their login details which have been provided.